June 20, 2022 by Willowcreek in Favorite Things Something everyone should have on hand. If you’re lucky, your vet will have one to pass on for free but otherwise, this is a great little kit that should accompany your first aid kit!https://amzn.to/3y5PApT 0 Recommend Facebook Twitter Share best border collie breeders in Canada Blue Border Collies Border Collie Breeder in BC Border Collie Breeder in Quebec border collie education Border Collie Puppies Border Collie Support Border Collies in BC Buying a Border Collie dog tick removal ee Red Border Collies first aid kits for dogs Health Tested Border Collies Lilac Border Collies Medium Drive Border Collies Sable Border Collies tick kits Traditional Border Collies Training Border Collies Tagged in