Border Collie Sire Agreement
Willowcreek remains committed to ethical breeding and as we grow, learn and continue to try to be the best Border Collie Breeder, that means we must have the same expectations from those using our sires that we have for ourself. If you are looking for just ‘any’ sire, we are not the right fit.
All sire agreements must include
- Complete female health testing (Embark or Optimal Selection)
- Pennhip Hips ( Moving forward we will no longer accept OFA as there is just to much variation in their results and in our opinion it can no longer be trusted as the only test for healthy hips)
- Breeders must have a MUST RETURN clause in place. We are strong proponents of responsible breeders ensuring offspring do not end up in Shelters or ill equipped homes.
- Breeders must have a Non-Breeding clause in place.
We are happy to share our contract with you and we’re also happy to assist in any way we can. While many will say it isn’t the sire owner’s place to decide, we believe, any puppy created by our sire is still our responsibility.
Border Collie Sires: Brucellosis testing
Both Jax and Boston have only ever sired first time Dam’s or our own dogs. If your female is a first time whelp, testing is not required.
If your female has previously whelped, a clear brucellosis test is required.
If you are interested in using Jax or Boston, please send an email
with your health testing, hip results and your puppy contract. Females must be at least 18 months of age.