Navigating Pre-made Raw Food | Myths and the Need for Caution

In recent years, the popularity of raw food diets for dogs has surged, with promises of enhanced nutrition and well-being. However, it is essential for pet owners to be aware of the lack of regulation within the industry and to approach raw diets with caution. The pet food market is inundated with a  options, each with pretty packaging and bold marketing claims. Amidst this, it becomes imperative for owners to decipher between genuine nutritional value and misleading advertising.

One major concern in the raw food industry is the absence of standardized regulations. Unlike commercial dog food, which follows specific guidelines, raw diets lack uniformity, making it challenging for consumers to make informed choices. It’s crucial to scrutinize product labels and question the sourcing and quality control measures of raw food brands.

Navigating Pre-made Raw Food | Myths and the Need for Caution


Enterprises often leverage attractive packaging and flashy slogans, creating an illusion of premium quality. Yet, this can be misleading, and pet owners should be cautious about falling for these marketing tactics. Not all that glitters is gold, especially in the raw food market.

While exploring the options available, it is vital to emphasize that not all pre-made raw diets are created equal. The only one we confidently recommend is Big Country. One of the only RAW brands I could find that has nutritionists on staff, quality sourcing, and safety standards and while we believe it is a solid choice, we still believe that home cooked recipes created by nutritionists are your best option if you are able to afford that option.

There is no question, the benefits of raw diets for dogs are acknowledged, but like anything,  owners must exercise due diligence. Scrutinizing labels, understanding the lack of industry regulations, and being cautious about deceptive marketing practices are crucial steps in ensuring the health and well-being of your pups and dogs.

Navigating Pre-made Raw Food | Myths and the Need for Caution

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