Border Collie Puppies | Willowcreek Border Collies

Deadly water intoxication, or hyponatremia, can swiftly occur in dogs when they ingest an excessive amount of water, disrupting their electrolyte balance. This risk heightens during summer water activities, particularly when dogs are exposed to saltwater. While dogs may be inclined to drink large amounts during play in the ocean or lakes, the salt content in seawater exacerbates the potential for hyponatremia. Rapid intake of saltwater can lead to dehydration and sodium imbalance, manifesting in symptoms like vomiting, lethargy, and disorientation. In severe cases, it may progress to seizures or coma. It is vital to closely monitor water consumption, especially in saltwater environments, and ensure dogs take breaks to avoid overhydration. Immediate veterinary attention is crucial if symptoms emerge. Balancing hydration and caution during summer water play is key to keeping our canine companions safe and healthy.

For those that do have water lovers please be very cautious, 15 min max in water, 30-45 minutes on land and make sure your dog is peeing during that time.

Once water intoxication happens, it is a very rapid deterioration and a very high risk of death.

Our dogs often have balls in their mouth which increases risk and speed of water intake.🐾🐾🐾🐾

So enjoy the water but do it safely! And for a much better explanation here’s a in depth article.…/news/water-intoxication-and-your-dog

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