Willowcreek Border Collies & Big Country Raw

Live Q/A | May 2nd, 2024

5pm PST / 8pm EST

We’re thrilled to announce our first live presentation, hosted by Big Country Raw!

Join us for a LIVE Q&A session on May 2nd, presented by Big Country Raw! 🎉 Get ready to dive into all things raw feeding as we cover the burning questions parents have about this nutritious diet for their furry friends.

🥩 Wondering about the benefits of raw feeding? 💰 Curious about the cost compared to traditional pet food? 💊 Confused about which supplements are necessary? 🐶 Considering raw feeding for your puppy? 🔄 Need tips on how to smoothly transition your pet to a raw diet?

We’ve got you covered! Mark your calendars, gather your questions, and join us for an informative session that will help you make the best choices for your pet’s health and happiness.

Willowcreek/ Big Country Raw Presentation
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