First Aid Kits

Brenda and I have a well stocked ’emergency kit’ as you can imagine that includes Vet Wrap (3M is the best, the rest isn’t as sticky and will come off),

The Best Dog Toothpaste there is, and it’s homemade!

Start with the basics, this is a excellent weekly paste. Basic Formula 1 tablespoon baking soda 1 tablespoon water or bone broth ( you can also use bouillon base if

Optimal Selection DNA/Health Kits

The health of our own dogs is the first consideration in every decision we make and we encourage every parent (regardless of whether you are a Willowcreek parent or not,

Early Puppy Development

Border Collie Puppies | Early Puppy Development

Our base home cooked recipe

Raw diet 1-High calorie 1lb ground beef 1 cup quinoa or couscous 1.5lbs pork 1lb veal 100 grams organ chopped 4 eggs 2 tbl ground flax 2 tbls ginger 4
